Pages of promise

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden,

and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28


A tiny piece of my story of encountering the love of God that taught me not only to receive the love of God but to give it away.

Do you feel like you don't know God as well as you would like to know Him? God intends for us to know Him personally. Join me as we look at the role of revelation and the Holy Spirit under the new covenant.

Do you want to be transformed? This article looks at how God's revelation of Himself caused Abraham to know God, which ultimately brought transformation, and His intention to do the same for us today.

Have you ever wondered if things will ever change? While Abraham's faith would become the gold standard of faith, he didn't start out with that way. When God called Abram, he was in a place of despondency - wondering if things will ever change.

Wondering where God is? He's nearer than you think.

Abraham would become the gold standard of faith. However, he started out in a place of lack. The goodness of God brought him into abundant life and taught him to trust. This introduction looks at how God intends to do the same for each of us.